Carpenter bees are unlike other types of common bees in that they bore into wood and are not social insects. Instead, these bees build their nests individually and can cause damage to the structure of your home.
To help you prevent a carpenter bee infestation, here are some details about these insects, where to find their nests, and who to call for extermination assistance.
Where Carpenter Bees Make Nest
Carpenter bees love to build their nests outside in trees or in the eaves or frames of houses. The bees do not live in these nests but rather just use nests to store pollen here for when the weather turns cold.
You may notice smooth and round holes bore into the wood of your home if you have a carpenter bee infestation. The bees prefer bare wood to stained wood. Places to check around your home for carpenter bees are eaves, boards, siding, rafters, decks, and outdoor wood furniture.
Damage Caused by Carpenter Beers
Although carpenter bees are wood-boring insects, they typically don’t cause as much damage as termites. However, they are still a big nuisance to homeowners because they cause wood structures to retain moisture and become prone to rot and decay.
After these bees create tunnels in the wood, woodpeckers are known to become attracted to these new holes and create further pest damage. Only female carpenter bees are capable of causing painful bee stings because males have no stinging capability; however, it is recommended to steer clear of all stinging insects.
Preventing a Carpenter Bee Infestation
The best way to prevent a carpenter bee infestation is to inspect your home regularly for strange holes and seal up cracks and crevices that you notice. Use a silicon caulk to seal up any holes and repair screen tears in windows and doors too.
Insecticides can deter carpenter bees from expanding their wood tunnels. After using insecticide, seal up the hole so that the bees can no longer access the tunnel. Carpenter bee traps may also be used by experienced professionals to curb a household bee problem.
Carpenter Bee Infestation House Help
At the first signs of holes or tunnels in the wood of your home, contact Precise Termite and Pest Control for a free inspection to assess the extent of your carpenter bee infestation house issue.
We specialize in all types of New Jersey bee removal and have the knowledge and experience to safely and humanely remove bees from your home so that your home and family are no longer at risk. A carpenter bee problem will only get worse if you ignore it, so don’t delay calling us at 866-971-2847.