Though there may be nothing more relaxing than spending a cool summer night out on a deck or porch, there are also few things that fill a homeowner with a sense of dread faster than the tell-tale piles of sawdust left by wood-boring insects. Though most people immediately assume termites when they see any insect-related wood damage, this kind of external wear is just as likely to be the result of a carpenter ant or carpenter bee infestation. This damage is not just unsightly: long-term damage by wood-boring insects can result in serious damage to wooden structures and result in major renovation costs. Thus, it is important to have a good grasp on methods for carpenter ant control in NJ, as well as for other pests.
Distinguishing Between Pests
Dealing with the damage from each of these insects may require a different treatment by homeowners, so it is important to distinguish between the three. Carpenter bees are large and fuzzy, resembling a darker version of the bumblebee. Though they are not particularly aggressive towards humans, female carpenter bees bore perfectly-round holes into wood in order to nest. A similar – though messier – phenomenon can be observed around carpenter ants, which will also bore into both wood and thick garden plants. A telltale sign of carpenter ants includes a tidy set of holes leading into a plank of wood, as these insects will burrow long tunnels throughout a wooden structure. Carpenter ants differ in appearance (three body segments) from termites (two body segments), and the latter are far more infamous. Though termite damage also appears on the exterior of wood, termites more commonly work from the inside out. Thus, if termite damage is appearing on the outside of a structure, it is likely that there is already deeper damage.
How to Stop and Prevent Insect Damage
Though these pests can be thoroughly frustrating, there are also concrete steps that homeowners can take towards termite, carpenter bee, and carpenter ant control. The easiest step is to prevent these infestations in the first place. Openings into the house, such as those left by utility lines, should be caulked and sealed to prevent ants and termites. Any wet or decaying wood should be removed and replaced by new wood that has been treated with some kind of insecticide. Additionally, it is particularly useful to prevent carpenter bees by coating exterior wood surfaces with an oil-based paint or sealant. While it may be tempting to seal holes immediately, homeowners should be careful that only holes that have been treated with some sort of insecticide will be sealed up with wood putty or caulk. If a live bee, ant, or termite is sealed into its hole, it is more likely than not that it will bore its way back to the surface and continue to tunnel away.
Contact a Professional NJ Pest Control Company
Dealing with wood-boring insects is never the most fun way to spend a summer, contact Precise Termite & Pest Control to help remove these insects and keep your home safe. Call (866) 971-2847 or fill out an online form to schedule a free inspection with one of our expert exterminators in NJ. For over 25 years, Precise Pest Control has been keeping Northern New Jersey pest free with high quality and fast service.